I'm proud to be a witch

The world is changing. To look around and perceive forces, that we tough that were buried long ago, rebirth, brings us some fear of what the future reserves to us.

It was centuries ago when the witch hunt began. Between the years of 1500 until 1750 there are reports from several parts of the world where women were tortured, persecuted, murdered for being.. women.

Basically exist, think and to be a woman was a risk. Imagine express yourself, fight or try to find a space where it doesn't exist.

Women were burnt for being beautiful, for dancing, or talking to men. Even using incense, making tea or growing different plants was considered witchery.  In short, women were burnt for the simple fact of being women as free as the time allowed.
Today we live on a time where it begin to exist again. Rights start to be neglected, misogyny grows, and we only got the right to be a citizen and vote less than 100 years ago.

But we are here, strong. We will not lose rights that were hardly conquered. Rights that are no more than being equal to men. We won't be burnt again. We are sisters in fight. We are the granddaughters of the witches you couldn't burn.

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